Love and Care for Your Wife

Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave Himself up for her. —Ephesians 5:25

If you desire your marriage to be blessed, love and care for your wife. Do not mistreat her; treat her as a delicate and valuable vessel that God has placed in your care. If you see she needs help, it is your responsibility to meet her needs. If she has a dream or idea in her heart, support her in every way necessary and make her feel she is not alone.

Do not be selfish if you see her thriving in her projects; on the contrary, her success is also yours. Mutual support will strengthen your relationship and allow you to prosper together. Never forget the little gestures you made while courting her, even when you have children or grandchildren. Keep those gestures alive, as they are essential to maintaining love in your relationship.

Your wife is a precious treasure given to you by God, and it is your duty to care for her, protect her, and treat her with love, just as Christ cares for His Church. Fight for your marriage, love your wife, and always communicate. Talk about how you feel, walk together, and when disagreements arise, pray in unity and express your concerns with words of love, not shouting. Let God’s love and guidance be the center of your home, bringing understanding and peace to your relationship.

The Church is Christ’s bride, and He has always been faithful to her. Likewise, be 100% faithful to your wife. Be sincere and do not lie to her. Stand firm in fidelity. When faced with temptations, flee as Joseph did, refusing to compromise with evil.

Avoid words, glances, and situations that could jeopardize your commitment, because those seemingly attractive paths only lead to pain, disunity, and loss.
Remember, a woman who seeks a married man has no fear of God, does not respect herself, and will not respect you or your heart. If she acted that way with you, she will do the same with others. Outwardly, she may appear beautiful, but inwardly, she brings destruction. Do not approach her, as she could shatter the precious vessel God has entrusted to you: your marriage. Care for, value, and protect your wife, this beautiful gift, so that your home reflects the love and faithfulness of Christ.

Written by: Buenaventura Flores

Autora del libro “Venciendo los Miedos por fe: Corre para ganar”, está disponible en Amazon Kindle Edition |

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