What is praise: the expression of love and adoration to God. Worship is something that comes straight from the heart of a true believer as a direct result of his relationship with God. Our redemption through our Lord Jesus Christ was the vehicle provided for direct access to God to have a personal relationship with Him. However, it is a choice that we have also been given. The purpose of Praise & Worship is to glorify God through Jesus Christ and we were created to glorify Him. We can praise and worship God or choose not to. It is up to us. The word of God tells us that it is He who desires our praise. Hebrews 13:15 says through Jesus therefore, let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise; the fruit of lips that confess His name. Psalm 150.6 says let everything that has breath Praise the Lord.
Why does the bible speak of praise as a sacrifice? To sacrifice you must give up, forgo, forfeit, let go or surrender. God desires that we surrender our will to Him that He would be glorified but to do this makes one feel very vulnerable. I submit to you that the flesh of man is vulnerable but the spirit of man is edified when we lift up the Most High God through our Lord and savior Jesus Christ from the heart. Be assured that there are only two times to Praise and Worship God…when you feel like it and when you don’t!
In writing this, I am reminded of an analogy used to describe a simplified version of what praise and worship is…It was described as you being given an invitation to dinner and it was in your honor so when you got there the spread on the table was laid out. There was the finest china, the finest dishes, cloth napkins.. I mean the works…The food, well it was no less than superb and the deserts tasted divine. The company was great and you felt blessed to have been able to have the experience. The question was asked.. what is the first thing that you do the next day in appreciation for what the invitee did for you the day before…you send a thank you card expressing your love and appreciation for all that was done for you. Well, Praise and Worship is your heart felt personal thank you to God through Jesus Christ for all that he has done for you. Have you thanked Him today?